1 Topologies of Air by Shona Illingworth, video still
Topologies of Air by Shona Illingworth
The Power Plant
We are delighted to announce that the three-screen video and surround sound installation by artist Shona Illingworth – Topologies of Air – commissioned and produced by The Wapping Project will be exhibited at The Power Plant in Toronto.
Topologies of Air examines the impact of accelerating geopolitical, technological and environmental changes on the composition, nature and use of airspace. This timely new work considers the sky not as void and free, but as a multi-layered, complex cultural and legal space that is both shared and personal, with a long history and rapidly changing future. Topologies of Air was filmed in Bahrain, UAE, Australia, Japan, Spain, Scotland and China.
Topologies of Air was commissioned and produced by The Wapping Project, with support from the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Antiquities , Bahrain National Museum, Sharjah Art Foundation and the British Council, DCMS and GREAT the UK-Gulf Exhibition Programme, as well as a travel grant from Arts Council England. Shona Illingworth is Reader in Fine Art at University of Kent and Topologies of Air forms part of her research practice.

Shona Illingworth is a Scottish-Danish artist who works across a range of media including video, sound, photography and drawing. She is known for her immersive video and multi-channel sound installations, and evocative, research-led practice in which she explores the dynamic processes of memory. Her work has been exhibited internationally, with shows at the Museum of Modern Art, Bologna, FACT, Liverpool, UNSW Galleries, Sydney and the Wellcome Collection, London. She has received high profile commissions from Film and Video Umbrella, the Hayward Gallery, London, and Channel 4 Television. Her piece 216 Westbound was recently exhibited at the Imperial War Museum, London, and was purchased by the Contemporary Art Society for the Imperial War Museum’s permanent collection. Illingworth was shortlisted for the prestigious Jarman Award in 2016.